Dr. Amit Sheth
Amit P. Sheth
Founding Director, AI Institute@UofSC
NCR Chair and Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Professional or Scholarly Activities
Industry Courses & Workshops

Industry Courses & Workshops

  1. "Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services." Professional course, University of Madeira. Funchal, Portugal, Jun. 16-18, 2005. (More information.)
  2. "Mysteries of Metadata." Content World 2001. Burlingame, CA, May 15, 2001. (3 hours.)
  3. "Workflow Management: Research, Technology, Products, Applications and Experiences." Course leaders: A. Sheth and S. Joosten, offered by WARIA, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 12-14, 1996. (3 days.)
Professor Amit P. Sheth
Artificial Intelligence Institute
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of South Carolina