Editorship of International Conference and Workshop Proceedings
- S. Ilarri, A. Illarramendi, E. Mena, A. Sheth (Eds.). “Semantics in Location-Based Services (Guest editor's introduction).” IEEE Internet Computing 15(6), 2011, pp. 10-14.
- A. P. Sheth, S. Staab, M. Dean, M. Paolucci, D. Maynard, T. W. Finin, K. Thirunarayan (Eds.). The Semantic Web: ISWC 2008, 7th Intl. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008). Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 26-30, 2008. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5318, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-88563-4.
- Q. Z. Sheng, U. Nambiar, A. Sheth, B. Srivastava, Z. Maamar, and S. Elnaffar (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2008 Intl. Workshop on Context enabled Source and Service Selection, Integration and Adaptation (CSSSIA08), organized with the 17th Intl. World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008). Beijing, China, Apr. 22, 2008, ACM Intl. Conference Proceedings Series, Vol. 292, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-60558-107-1.
- S. Battle, J. Domingue, D. Martin, D. Roman, and A. Sheth (Eds.). “Workshop: Advances in Semantics for Web Services (semantics4ws 2007).” Business Process Management Workshops: BPM Intl. Workshops 2007. Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2007. Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4928, Springer, pp. 457–516.
- S. Dustdar, J. Fiadeiro, and A. Sheth (Eds.). Business Process Management. 4th Intl. Conference (BPM 2006). Vienna, Austria, Sept. 5–7, 2006, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4102, Springer.
- P. Doshi, R. Goodwin, and A. Sheth (Eds.). AI-Driven Technologies for Services-Oriented Computing: Papers from the 2006 AAAI Workshop, AAAI Press, Jul. 16, 2006, 92 pp. ISBN 978-1-57735-283-9.
- A. Abecker, A. Sheth, G. Mentzas, and L. Stojanovic (Eds.). Semantic Web Meets eGovernment: Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium. Menlo Park, CA, Mar. 27–29, 2006, TR SS-06-06, AAAI Press, 2006, 150 pp. ISBN 978-1-57735-267-9.
- K. Verma, A. Sheth, M. Zaremba, and C. Bussler (Eds.). Proceedings of the Intl. Workshop in Dynamic Web Processes (DWP 2005). Amsterdam, Netherlands, Dec. 12, 2005. Available as IBM report RC23822, 96 pp.
- J. Cardoso and A. Sheth (Eds.). “Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First Intl. Workshop, SWSWPC 2004.” San Diego, CA, USA, Jul. 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3386, Springer, Mar. 2005.
- Y. Kalfoglou, M. Schorlemmer, M. Uschold, A. Sheth, and S. Staab (Eds.). Semantic Interoperability and Integration: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar 04391, Begegnungs-und Forschungszentrum (IBFI). Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Jan. 1, 2005.
- J. Cardoso and A. P. Sheth (Eds.). Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: 1st Intl. Workshop, SWSWPC 2004. San Diego, CA, Jul. 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3387, Springer, 2005, viii, 147 pp. ISBN 3-540-24328-3 (softcover), 978-3-540-24328-1.
- A. Sheth and K. Jeffery (Eds.). 2004 IEEE Intl. Conferences on Services Computing. Shanghai, China, Sept. 15–18, 2004, 653 pp.
- A. Sheth and R. Meersman (Eds.). Proceedings of the NSF-EU Workshop on Database and Information Systems Research for Semantic Web and Enterprises. Apr. 3–5, 2002, 111 pp.
- S. Staab, S. Decker, D. Fensel, and A. Sheth (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on the Semantic Web (SemWeb 2001). Hong Kong, May 1, 2001, 93 pp.
- J. Hoppenbrouwers, T. Lima, M. Papazoglou, and A. Sheth (Eds.). Proceedings of the IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries 2000 (ADL2000). May 22–24, 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press, 241 pp.
- A. Sheth (Ed.), Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems. Athens, GA, May 1996, 164 pp.
- H. Korth and A. Sheth (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems. Sept. 1994, IEEE Computer Society Press, 272 pp.
- H-J. Schek, A. Sheth, and B. Czjedo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd RIDE Intl. Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems (RIDE IMS-93). Vienna, Austria, Apr. 19–20, 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press, 279 pp.
- Y. Kambayashi, M. Rusinkiewicz, and A. Sheth (Eds.). Proceeding of the 1st Intl. Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems. Kyoto, Japan, Apr. 1991, IEEE Computer Society Press, 370 pp.
- A. Sheth (Ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Interdependent Data in Bellcore and BCCS. Bellcore, Sept. 1990.
Editorship of Special Issues of Journals and Technical Society Magazines, Dagstuhl (most with introductions/state-of-the-art reviews)
- S. Gustafson and A. Sheth (Eds.) “Web of Things.” Computing Now, Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 2014, IEEE Computer Society (online).
- P. Barnaghi, A. Sheth, C. Henson (Eds). (Guest Editors.) “From Data to Actionable Knowledge: Big Data Challenges in the Web of Things [Guest Editors' Introduction]”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol 28, no. 6, Nov. 2013, pp. 6-11.
- A. Sheth, P. Barnaghi, M. Strohmaier, R. Jain, S. Staab (Eds.) “Physical-Cyber-Social Computing (Dagstuhl Reports 13402)”, Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 3, no.9, pp. 245-263, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2013.
- G. T. Lakshmanan, F. Curbera, J. Freire, and A. Sheth (Eds.) (Guest Editors.) “Introduction: Provenance in Web Applications.” IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 15, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 2011, pp. 17-21, doi:10.1109/MIC.2011.9.
- D. Benslimane, S. Dustdar, A. Sheth. “Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications.” IEEE Computer Society. Sept./Oct. 2008, pp. 13-15.
- D. Benslimane, S. Dudstar, and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Service Mashups, IEEE Internet Computing, 2008.
- S. Dustdar, J. Fiadeiro, and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Business Process Management, Data & Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier), 2008.
- J. Davies, M. Lytras, and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Semantic-Web-Based Knowledge Management, IEEE Internet Computing 11 (no. 5), Sept.–Oct. 2007.
- N. Ashish, C. Goble, and A. Sheth (Eds.), special section: The Semantic Web and Science Data Interoperation, Intl. Journal on Digital Libraries 5 (no. 2), Apr. 2005.
- R. Meersman and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Semantic Web, Database Management and Information Systems, ACM SIGMOD Record 32(4), Dec. 2002, pp. 10–70.
- O. and A. Sheth (Eds.), special section, ACM SIGMOD Record 28 (no.1), Mar. 1999.
- H. Korth and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Selected Systems: Papers Based on the 3rd Intl. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, VLDB (Very Large Data Bases) Journal 5(1), Jan. 1996, pp. 1–63.
- W. Klas and A. Sheth (Eds.), special issue: Metadata for Digital Media, ACM SIGMOD Record 24 (4), Dec. 1994, pp. 19–71.
- A. Sheth (Ed.), special issue: Semantic Issues in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGMOD Record 20(4), Dec. 1991, pp. 5–80.