Dr. Amit Sheth
Amit P. Sheth
Founding Director, AI Institute@UofSC
NCR Chair and Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Journal Papers


Journal Papers (~120)

  1. M. Miller, T. Banerjee, R. Muppalla, W. Romine, and A. Sheth. What Are People Tweeting About Zika? An Exploratory Study Concerning Its Symptoms, Treatment, Transmission, and Prevention. JMIR Public Health Surveillance. 2017;3(2):e38.
  2. M. Ebrahimi., A. Yazdavar, and A. Sheth. On the Challenges of Sentiment Analysis for Dynamic Events. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2017 (in print).
  3. F. Lamy, R. Daniulaityte, R. Nahhas, M. Barratt, A. Smith, A. Sheth, S. Martins, E., Boyer, & R. Carlson. (2017). Increased in synthetic cannabinoids-related harms: Results from a longitudinal web-based content analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy (44), pp. 121-129.
  4. U. Jaimini, T. Banerjee, W. Romine, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth, & M. Kalra. Investigation of an Indoor Air Quality Sensor for Asthma Management in Children, IEEE Sensors Letters, Volume 1 (2), pp. 1-4. 2017.
  5. T. Banerjee, A. Sheth. IoT Quality Control for Data and Application Needs, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 32 (2), pp. 68-73. 2017.
  6. V. Nguyen, J. Leeka, O. Bodenreider, A. Sheth. A Formal Graph Model for RDF and Its Implementation. CoRR. 2016. abs/1606.00480.
  7. R. Daniulaityte, L. Chen, F. Lamy, R. Carlson, K. Thirunarayan, & A. Sheth. "When 'Bad' is 'Good'": Identifying Personal Communication and Sentiment in Drug-Related Tweets. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016; 2(2): e162. DOI: 10.2196/publichealth.6327. PMID: 27777215.
  8. F. Lamy, R. Daniulaityte, A. Sheth, R. Nahhas, S. Martins, E. Boyer, R. Carlson."Those edibles hit hard": Exploration of Twitter data on cannabis edibles in the U.S. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 64-70. 2016.
  9. H. Purohit, T. Banerjee, A. Hampton, V. Shalin, N. Bhandutia, A. Sheth. Gender-based Violence in 140 Characters or Fewer: A #BigData Case Study of Twitter. First Monday: 21(1-4). 2016.
  10. A. Gyrard, P. Patel, A. Sheth, M. Serrano. Building the Web of Knowledge with Smart IoT Applications. IEEE Intelligent Systems: 32(5), pp. 83-88. 2016.
  11. A. Sheth, P. Anantharam, C. Henson. Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing: Paradigms That Shape Human Experience. Computer, 49(3), pp. 64-72. 2016.
  12. D. Cameron, R. Kavuluru, T. Rindflesch, A. Sheth, K. Thirunarayan, O. Bodenreider. Context-driven automatic subgraph creation for literature-based discovery. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 54, p. 141-157. 2016.
  13. V. Nguyen, O. Bodenreider, K. Thirunarayan, G. Fu, E. Bolton, N. Rosinach, L. Furlong, M. Dumontier, A. Sheth. On Reasoning with RDF Statements about Statements using Singleton Property Triples. CoRR, abs/1509.04513. 2015.
  14. A. Sheth, P. Anantharam, C. Henson. Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing: Advances Toward Computing for Human Experience. CoRR, abs/1510.05963. 2015.
  15. G. Fu, E. Bolton, N. Rosinach, L. Furlong, V. Nguyen, A. Sheth, O. Bodenreider, M. Dumontier. Exposing Provenance Metadata Using Different RDF Models. CoRR, abs/1509.02822. 2015.
  16. R. Daniulaityte, R. Carlson, G. Brigham, D. Cameron, A. Sheth. Sub is a Weird Drug: A_Web-Based Study of Lay Attitudes about Use of Buprenorphine to Self-Treat Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms. The American Journal on Addictions 24(5), 403-409. 2015.
  17. P. Anantharam, P. Barnaghi, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth. Extracting City Traffic Events from Social Streams. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology: 6(4), p. 2-27. 2015.
  18. R. Daniulaityte, R. Nahhas, S. Wijeratne, R. Carlson, F. Lamy, S. Martins, E. Boyer, G. Smith, and A. Sheth. “Time for dabs”: Analyzing Twitter data on marijuana concentrates across the U.S. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Elsevier, 155: 307-11, Oct 2015.
  19. K. Thirunarayan & A. Sheth. Semantics-empowered Big Data Processing with Applications. AI Magazine, 36(1): 39-54, Spring 2015.
  20. P. Anantharam, P. Barnaghi, K. Thirunarayan, & A. Sheth. Extracting City Traffic Events from Social Streams. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems & Technology, 6(4): 2-27, August 2015.
  21. H. Purohit, T. Banerjee, A. Hampton, V. L. Shalin, N. Bhandutia, & A. Sheth.Gender-based violence in 140 characters or fewer: a #BigData case study of Twitter. First Monday, 21(1-4), Jan 2016.
  22. D. Cameron, R. Kavuluru, T. C. Rindflesch, A. Sheth, K. Thirunarayan, & O. Bodenreider. Context-Driven Automatic Subgraph Creation for Literature-Based Discovery. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 54: 141-157 (2015).
  23. H. Thirunarayan, P. Anantharam, C. Henson, A. Sheth. Comparative Trust Management with Applications: Bayesian Approaches Emphasis, Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier (2014), Volume 31, pp. 182-199, Feb. 2014.
  24. D. Cameron, A. P. Sheth, N. Jaykumar, G. Anand, K. Thirunarayan, & G. A. Smith. A Hybrid Approach to Finding Relevant Social Media Content for Complex Domain Specific Information Needs. Journal of Web Semantics, 29: 39-52 (2014).
  25. H. Purohit, A. Hampton, S. Bhatt, V. Shalin, A. Sheth, & J. Flach. An Information Filtering and Management Model for Twitter Traffic to Assist Crises Response Coordination. JCSCW 2013 - Special Issue on Crisis Informatics and Collaboration, 2014.
  26. A. Jadhav, D. Andrews, A. Fiksdal, A. Kumbamu, J. McCormick, A. Misitano, L. Nelsen, E. Ryu, A. Sheth, S. Wu, J. Pathak. Comparative Analysis of Online Health Queries Originating From Personal Computers and Smart Devices on a Consumer Health Information Portal. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2014) Vol. 16, Issue 7: e160, PMID: 25000537.
  27. S. Perera, C. Henson, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth, S. Nair. Semantics Driven Approach for Knowledge Acquisition from EMRs. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 515-524, Mar. 2014, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2013.2282125, PMID: 24058038.
  28. H. Purohit, C. Castillo, F. Diaz, A. Sheth, P. Meier. Emergency-Relief Coordination on Social Media: Automatically Matching Resource Requests and Offers. First Monday, Vol. 19, Issue 1, Jan. 2014.
  29. Purohit, H., Hampton, A., Bhatt, S., Shalin, V. L., Sheth, A. P., & Flach, J. M. (2014). Identifying Seekers and Suppliers in Social Media Communities to Support Crisis Coordination.” Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: 23(4-6), pp. 513-545.
  30. M. Panahiazar, A. P Sheth, A. Ranabahu, R. A. Vos, & J. Leebens-Mack. Advancing data reuse in phyloinformatics using an ontology-driven Semantic Web approach. BMC Medical Genomics, 2013, 6 (Suppl 3):S5. DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-6-S3-S5 impact factor 3.47.
  31. A. Ranabahu, E. Maximilien, A. Sheth, K. Thirunarayan. Application Portability in Cloud Computing: An Abstraction Driven Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, PP(99): 1 (2013). DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2013.25.
  32. M. Panahiazar, O. Bodenreider, B. Rance, A. P. Sheth, J. Leebens Mack. MUDIDS: A Multi-dimensional Integrative Approach to Comparing Gene for Knowledge Discovery. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2013.
  33. H. Purohit, A. Hampton, V. Shalin, A. Sheth, J. Flach, S. Bhatt. What Kind of #Communication is Twitter? Mining #Psycholinguistic Cues for Emergency Coordination. Computers in Human Behavior (CHB) Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 6, Nov. 2013, pp. 2438-2447.
  34. P. Barnaghi, A. Sheth, C. Henson. From data to actionable knowledge: Big data challenges in the web of things. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume: 28, Issue: 6, Nov./Dec. 2013.
  35. D. Cameron, G.A. Smith, R. Daniulaityte, A. Sheth, D. Dave, L. Chen, G. Anand, R. Carlson, K. Watkins, R. Falck. PREDOSE: A Semantic Web Platform for Drug Abuse Epidemiology using Social Media. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 46(6): 985-997, 2013. PMID: 23892295. (Included in IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics as part of Best of Medical Informatics articles from the preceding year.)
  36. R. Daniulaityte, R. Carlson, R. Falck, D. Cameron, S. Perera, L. Chen, A. Sheth. 'I just wanted to tell you that loperamide WILL WORK': A Web-Based Study of Extra-Medical Use of Loperamide. Drug Alcohol Dependency 130(1-3): 241-244, 2013. PMID: 23201175.
  37. D. Cameron, O. Bodenreider, H. Yalamanchili, T. Danh, S. Vallabhaneni, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth, T. Rindflesch. A Graph-Based Recovery and Decomposition of Swanson's Hypothesis using Semantic Predications. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 46(2): 238-251, 2013. PMID: 23026233.
  38. H. Purohit, A. Hampton, V. L. Shalin, A. Sheth, J. Flach, S. Bhatt. What kind of #conversation is Twitter? Mining #psycholinguistic cues for emergency coordination. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), pp. 2438-2447, Nov. 2013. ISSN 0747-5632.
  39. A. Sheth, P. Anantharam, C. Henson. Physical-Cyber-Social Computing: An Early 21st Century Approach, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 78-82, Jan. - Feb., 2013.
  40. M. Compton, P. M. Barnaghi, L. Bermudez, R. Garcia-Castro, Ó. Corcho, S. Cox, J. Graybeal, M. Hauswirth, C. A. Henson, A. Herzog, V. A. Huang, K. Janowicz, W. D. Kelsey, D. L. Phuoc, L. Lefort, M. Leggieri, H. Neuhaus, A. Nikolov, K. R. Page, A. Passant, A. Sheth, K. Taylor. The SSN ontology of the W3C semantic sensor network incubator group. Journal of Web Semantics 17, pp. 25-32, Dec. 2012.
  41. M. Panahiazar, A. Ranabahu, V. Taslimi, H. Yalamanchili, A. Stoltzfus, J. Leebens-Mack, & A. Sheth. PhylOnt: A Domain-Specic Ontology for Phylogeny Analysis. IEEE Intl. Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2012, 52: 1, 106-116.
  42. M. Panahiazar, A. Sheth, A. Ranabahu, & J. Leebens-Mack. Semantic Technology and Translational Genomic Research. 2012 AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, Arch 19, 2012 - March 21, 2012, San Francisco, CA, TBI, 2012, 176.
  43. M. Panahiazar, J. Leebens-Mack, A. Ranabahu, & A. Sheth. Using Semantic Technologies for Phylogeny. 2012 AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, Arch 19, 2012 - March 21, 2012, San Francisco, CA, TBI, 2012, 175.
  44. A. Ranabahu, A. Sheth, M. Panahiazar, S. Wijeratne. Semantic Annotation and Search for resources in the next GenerationWeb with SA-REST SA-REST for Service Annotation. W3C Workshop on Data and Services Integration, 2011.
  45. A. Ranabahu, P. Priti, M. Panahiazar, A. Sheth, F. Logan-Klumpler. Kino: A Generic Document Management System for Biologists Using SA-REST and Faceted Search. 2011 IEEE Fifth Intl. Conference on Semantic Computing.
  46. P. Barnaghi, F. Ganz, C. Henson, A. Sheth. Computing Perception from Sensor Data. Proceedings 2012 IEEE Sensors Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1-4, Oct. 28-31, 2012.
  47. P. P. Parikh, J. Zheng, F. Logan-Klumpler, C. J. Stoeckert, C. Louis, P. Topalis, A. V. Protasio, A. Sheth, M. Carrington, M. Berriman, S. Sahoo. The Ontology for Parasite Lifecycle (OPL): Towards A Consistent Vocabulary of Lifecycle Stages in Parasitic Organisms. Journal of Biomedical Semantics: 3(5), May 23, 2012. DOI: 10.1186/2041-1480-3-5.
  48. A. Sheth. A new landscape for distributed and parallel data management.Distributed and Parallel Databases 30(2), pp. 101-103, Apr. 4, 2012.
  49. C. A. Henson, A. Sheth, K. Thirunarayan. Semantic Perception: Converting Sensory Observations to Abstractions. IEEE Internet Computing 16(2), pp. 26-34, Jan. 17, Mar. - Apr. 2012.
  50. W. Wang, L. Chen, M. Tan, S. Wang, A. Sheth. Discovering Fine-grained sentiment in Suicide Notes.Biomedical Informatics Insights 5 (Suppl. 1), pp. 137-145, Jan. 30, 2012. DOI: 10.4137/BII.S8963/PMCID: PMC3409482.
  51. P. P. Parikh, T. A. Minning, V. Nguyen, S. Lalithsena, A. H. Asiaee, S. S. Sahoo, P. Doshi, R. Tarleton, A. Sheth. A Semantic Problem Solving Environment for Integrative Parasite Research: Identification of Intervention Targets for Trypanosoma cruzi. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-12, Jan. 2012. PMID: 22272365.
  52. D. J. Wild, Y. Ding, A. Sheth, L. Harland, E. M. Gifford, M. S. Lajiness. Systems Chemical Biology and the Semantic Web: What They Mean for the Future of Drug Discovery Research. Drug Discovery Today, Dec. 29, 2011. ISSN 1359-6446, 10.1016, j.drudis.2011.12.019, PMID: 22222943.
  53. S. Ilarri, A. lllarramendi, E. Mena, A. Sheth. Semantics in Location-Based Services.IEEE Internet Computing, 15(6), pp. 10-14, Nov. - Dec., 2011.
  54. C. A. Henson, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth. An ontological approach to focusing attention and enhancing machine perception on the Web. Applied Ontology, 6(4), pp. 345-376, Dec. 2011.
  55. A. Sheth. Semantics Scales Up: Beyond Search in Web 3.0. IEEE Internet Computing 15(6), pp 3-6, Nov. - Dec. 2011.
  56. A. Ranabahu, P. Anderson, A. Sheth. The Cloud Agnostic e-Science Analysis Platform. IEEE Internet Computing, 15(6), pp. 85-89, Nov. - Dec. 2011.
  57. C. Thomas, A. Sheth. Web Wisdom: An essay on how Web 2.0 and Semantic Web can foster a global knowledge society. Computers in Human Behavior 27(4), pp. 1285 - 1293, Jul. 2011.
  58. J. Zhao, S. S. Sahoo, P. Missier, A. Sheth, C. Goble. Extending Semantic Provenance into the Web of Data. IEEE Internet Computing 15(1), pp. 40-48, Jan. - Feb. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2011.7.
  59. D. Gruhl, M. Nagarajan, J. Pieper, C. Robson, A. Sheth. Multimodal Social Intelligence in a Real-Time Dashboard System. VLDB Journal special issue on 'Data Management and Mining for Social Networks and Social Media' 19(6), pp. 825-848, Dec. 2010.
  60. A. Sheth, A. Ranabahu. Semantic Modeling for Cloud Computing, Part 2. IEEE Internet Computing 14(4), pp. 81-84, Jul. - Aug. 2010.
  61. A. Sheth, A. Ranabahu. Semantic Modeling for Cloud Computing, Part 1. IEEE Internet Computing 14(3), pp. 81-83, May-Jun. 2010.
  62. A. Sheth. Computing for Human Experience: Semantics-Empowered Sensors, Services, & Social Computing on the Ubiquitous Web. IEEE Internet Computing: Vision Issue 14(1), pp. 88-91, Jan. - Feb. 2010. DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2010.4
  63. A. Sheth, C. Thomas, P. Mehra. Continuous Semantics to Analyze Real-Time Data. IEEE Internet Computing 14(6), pp. 84-89, Nov. 2010.
  64. A. Sheth. Citizen Sensing, Social Signals, and Enriching Human Experience. IEEE Internet Computing 13(4), pp. 87-92, Jul. 2009.
  65. A. Sheth, M. Nagarajan. Semantics-Empowered Social Computing. IEEE Internet Computing 13(1), pp. 76-80, Jan. - Feb. 2009.
  66. S. S. Sahoo, O. Bodenreider, J. L. Rutter, K. J. Skinner, A. Sheth. An Ontology-Driven Semantic Mash-up of Gene and Biological Pathway Information: Application to the Domain of Nicotine Dependence. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, special issue: Semantic Biomedical Mashups 41(5), pp.752-765, Oct. 2008.
  67. D. Benslimane, S. Dustdar, & A. Sheth. Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications. IEEE Internet Computing 12(5), pp. 13-15, Sept. - Oct. 2008.
  68. A. Sheth, C. Henson, & S. Sahoo. Semantic Sensor Web. IEEE Internet Computing, Jul. - Aug. 2008, p. 78-83.
  69. A. Sheth, K. Gomadom, & A. Ranabahu. Semantic-Enhanced Services: METEOR-S, SAWSDL, and SA-REST, IEEE Computer Society, 31(3), pp. 8-12, Sept. 2008.
  70. S. S. Sahoo, A. Sheth, & C. Henson. Semantic Provenance for eScience: Managing the Deluge of Scientific Data. IEEE Internet Computing 12(4), pp. 46-54, Jul. - Aug. 2008.
  71. A. Sheth, C. Henson, & S. Sahoo. Semantic Sensor Web. IEEE Internet Computing 2(4), pp. 78-83, Jul. - Aug. 2008.
  72. A. Sheth, M. Perry. Traveling the Semantic Web through Space, Time and Theme.IEEE Internet Computing, 12 (2), pp. 81-86, Feb. - Mar. 2008.
  73. B. Aleman-Meza, M. Nagarajan, L. Ding, A. Sheth, I.B. Arpinar, A. Joshi, & T. Finin. Scalable Semantic Analytics on Social Networks for Addressing the Problem of Conflict of Interest Detection. ACM Transactions on the Web 2(1), Feb. 2008.
  74. S. Dustdar, J. L. Fiadeiro, A. Sheth. Business process management. Data Knowledge Engineering 64(1), pp. 1-2, Jan. 2008.
  75. A. Sheth, K. Gomadam, A. Ranabahu. Semantics enhanced Services: METEOR-S, SAWSDL and SA-REST. IEEE Data Engineering 31(3), pp. 8-12, Jan. 2008.
  76. A. Sheth, K. Gomadam, J. Lathem. SA-REST: Semantically Interoperable and Easier-to-Use Services and Mashups. IEEE Internet Computing, Nov. - Dec. 2007, pp. 84-87.
  77. M. Nagarajan, K. Verma, A. Sheth, J. Miller. Ontology Driven Data Mediation in Web Services. Intl. Journal of Web Services Research 4(4), pp. 104-126, Oct. - Dec. 2007.
  78. K. Verma, A. Sheth. Semantically Annotating a Web Service. Internet Computing 11(2), pp. 83-86, Apr. 2007.
  79. B. Aleman-Meza, F. Hakimpour, I.B. Arpinar, A. Sheth. SwetoDblp Ontology of Computer Science Publications. Web Semantics, 5(3), pp. 151-155, Mar. 2007.
  80. B. Arpinar, A. Sheth, C. Ramakrishnan, L. Usery, M. Azami, M. Kwan. Geospatial Ontology Development and Semantic Analytics.Transactions in GIS, 10(4), pp. 551-576, Jul. 2006. (Abstract).
  81. A. Sheth, K. Verma, K. Gomadam. Semantics to energize the full Services Spectrum. Communications of the ACM (CACM) special issue on Services Science 49(7), pp. 55-61, Jul. 2006.
  82. S.S. Sahoo, C. Thomas, A. Sheth, C. Henson, W.S. York. GLYDE-An expressive XML standard for the representation of glycan structure. Carbohydrate Research340 (18), pp. 2802-2807, Dec. 30, 2005. Epub 2005 Oct 20/PMID: 16242678.
  83. C. Ramakrishnan, W. H. Milnor, M. Perry, A. Sheth. Discovering Informative Connection Subgraphs in Multi-Relational Graphs. SIGKDD Exploration special issue: Link Mining 7(2), pp. 56-63, Dec. 2005.
  84. V. Kashyap, C. Ramakrishnan, C. Thomas, A. Sheth. TaxaMiner: An Experimentation Framework for Automated Taxonomy Bootstrapping. Intl. Journal of Web and Grid Services 1(2), pp. 240-266, Dec. 2005.
  85. M. Burstein, C. Bussler, T. Finin, M. Huhns, M. Paolucci, A. Sheth, S. Williams. A Semantic Web Services Architecture. IEEE Internet Computing 9(5), pp. 72-81, Sept. - Oct. 2005.
  86. S. Oundhakar, K. Verma. K. Sivashanugam, A. Sheth, J. Miller. Discovery of Web Services in a Multi-Ontology and Federated Registry Environment. Intl. Journal of Web Services Research 2(3), pp. 1-32, Jul. - Sept., 2005.
  87. B. Aleman-Meza, C. Halaschek-Wiener, I.B. Arpinar, C. Ramakrishnan, A. Sheth.Ranking Complex Relationships on the Semantic Web. IEEE Internet Computing 9(3), pp. 37-44, May-Jun. 2005.
  88. K. Verma, K. Sivashanmugam, A. Sheth, A. Patil, S. Oundhakar, J. Miller.METEOR-S WSDI: A Scalable Infrastructure of Registries for Semantic Publication and Discovery of Web Services. Journal of Information Technology and Management, special issue on Universal Enterprise Integration, 6 (1), pp. 17-39. Jan. 2005.
  89. A. Sheth, C. Ramakrishnan, C. Thomas. Semantics for the Semantic Web: The Implicit, the Formal and the Powerful. Intl. Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 1 (1), pp. 1-18, 2005. Also published as Chapter 2.8 in Online and Distance Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. Ed. L. Tomei. Information Science Reference (IGI), 2008.
  90. A. Sheth, B. Aleman-Meza, I. B. Arpinar, C. Ramakrishnan, C. Halaschek, C. Bertram, Y. Warke, C. D. Avant, F. S. Arpinar, K. Anyanwu, K. Kochut. Semantic Association Identification and Knowledge Discovery for National Security Applications. Journal of Database Management 16 (1), pp. 33-53, Jan. - Mar. 2005.
  91. K. Sivashanmugam, J. Miller, A. Sheth, K. Verma. Framework for Semantic Web Process Composition. Intl. Journal of Electronic Commerce, special issue: Semantic Web Services and Their Role in Enterprise Application Integration and E-Commerce 9(2), pp. 71-106, Winter 2004-2005.
  92. J. Cardoso, R.P. Bostrom, & A. Sheth. Workflow Management Systems and ERP Systems: Differences, Commonalities, and Applications. Information Technology and Management Journal 5(3-4), pp. 319-338, Jul. - Oct. 2004.
  93. J. Cardoso, A. Sheth, J. Miller, J. Arnold, K. Kochut. Quality of Service for Workflows and Web Service Processes. Journal of Web Semantics 1(3), pp. 281-308, 2004.
  94. J. Cardoso, A. Sheth. Semantic e-Workflow Composition. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 21(3), pp. 191-225, Nov. 2003.
  95. S. Chandrasekaran, J. Miller, G. Silver, I.B. Arpinar, & A. Sheth. Performance Analysis and Simulation of Composite Web Services. Web Services, special issue on Electronic Markets 13(2). L. Heiko, R. Klüber, B.F. Schmid (Eds.), pp. 120-132, Jun. 2003.
  96. K. Anyanwu, A. Sheth, J. Cardoso, J. Miller, K. Kochut. Healthcare Enterprise Process Development and Integration. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(2), pp. 83-98, May 2003.
  97. R. Boyd, K. Murdison, J. Baffa, M. Brumund, A. Sheth, W. Karp, J. Bhatia. A Low-Cost Web-Based Tool for Pediatric Echocardiographic Consultations. Clinical Pediatrics 23, pp. 185-186, Mar. 2003.
  98. K. Kochut, J. Arnold, A. Sheth, J. Miller, I.B. Arpinar, J. Cardoso. IntelliGEN: A Distributed Workflow System for Discovering Protein-Protein Interactions.Distributed and Parallel Databases, special issue on Bioinformatics 13(1), pp. 43-72, Jan., 2003.
  99. A. Sheth, S. Thacker, S. Patel. Complex Relationship and Knowledge Discovery Support in the InfoQuilt System. VLDB Journal 12(1), pp. 2-27, Sept. 25, 2002. Online publication. ISSN: 0949-877X; print: ISSN: 1060-8888.
  100. A. Sheth, C. Bertram, D. Avant, B. Hammond, K. Kochut, Y. Warke. Managing Semantic Content for the Web. IEEE Internet Computing 6(4), pp. 80-87, Jul./Aug. 2002.
  101. S. Wu, A. Sheth, J. Miller, Z. Luo. Authorization and Access Control of Application Data in Workflow Systems. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 18(1), pp. 71-94, Jan. 2002.
  102. E. Mena, V. Kashyap, A. Illarramendi, A. Sheth. Imprecise Answers in Distributed Environments: Estimation of Information Loss for Multi-Ontology Based Query Processing. Intl. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 9(4), pp. 403-425, Dec. 2000.
  103. E. Mena, A. Illarramendi, V. Kashyap, A. Sheth. OBSERVER: An Approach for Query Processing in Global Information Systems based on Interoperation across Pre-existing Ontologies. Distributed and Parallel Databases 8(2), pp. 223-271, Apr. 2000.
  104. Z. Luo, A. Sheth, K. Kochut, J. Miller. Exception Handling in Workflow Systems.Applied Intelligence 13(2), pp. 125-147, Sept. - Oct. 2000.
  105. K. Shah, A. Sheth. InfoHarness: Managing Distributed, Heterogeneous Information.IEEE Internet Computing 3(6), pp. 18-28, Nov. - Dec. 1999.
  106. A. Sheth, W. Aalst, I. Arpinar. Processes Driving the Networked Economy. IEEE Concurrency 7(3), pp. 18-31, Jul. - Sept. 1999.
  107. J. Miller, D. Palaniswami, A. Sheth, K. Kochut, H. Singh. WebWork: METEOR2's Web-based Workflow Management System. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 10(2), pp. 186-215, Mar. 1998.
  108. M. Singh, P. Cannata, M. Huhns, N. Jacobs, T. Ksiezyk, K. Ong, A. Sheth, C. Tomlinson, D. Woelk. The Carnot Heterogeneous Database Project: Implemented Applications. Distributed and Parallel Databases 5(2), pp. 207-225, Apr. 1997.
  109. P. Attie, M. Singh, E. Emerson, A. Sheth, M. Rusinkiewicz. Scheduling Workflows by Enforcing Intertask Dependencies. Distributed Systems Engineering 3(4), pp. 222-238, Dec. 1996.
  110. P. Krychniak, M. Rusinkiewicz, A. Cichocki, A. Sheth, G. Thomas. Bounding the Effects of Compensation under Relaxed Multi-Level Serializability. Distributed and Parallel Databases 4(4), pp. 355-374, 1996. DOI: 10.1007/BF00119339.
  111. V. Kashyap, A. Sheth. Schematic and Semantic Similarities between Database Objects: A Context-based Approach. VLDB Journal 5(4), pp. 276-304, Oct. 1996.
  112. J. Miller, A. Sheth, K. Kochut, X. Wang. CORBA-Based Run Time Architectures for Workflow Management Systems. Journal of Database Management special issue on Multidatabases 7(1), pp.16-27, winter 1996.
  113. D. Georgakopoulos, M. Hornick, A. Sheth. An Overview of Workflow Management: From Process Modeling to Infrastructure for Automation. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(2), pp. 119-153, Apr. 1995.
  114. N. Krishnakumar, A. Sheth. Managing Heterogeneous Multi-system Tasks to Support Enterprise-wide Operations. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(2), pp. 155-186, Apr. 1995.
  115. D. Georgakopoulos, M. Rusinkiewicz, A. Sheth. Using Tickets to Enforce the Serializability of Multidatabase Transactions. IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering 6(1), pp. 166-180, Feb. 1994.
  116. K. Lee, W. Mansfield, A. Sheth. A Framework for Controlling Cooperative Agents.Computer 26(7), pp. 8-16, Jul. 1993.
  117. J. Geller, Y. Perl, P. Cannata, A. Sheth, E. Neuhold. Structural Integration: Concepts and Case Study. Journal of Systems Integration 3(2), pp. 133-161, Jun. 1993.
  118. A. Sheth, S. Gala, S. Navathe. On Automatic Reasoning for Schema Integration.Intl. Journal of Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems 2(1), pp. 23-50, Mar. 1993.
  119. J. Geller, Y. Perl, E. Neuhold, A. Sheth. Structural Schema Integration with Full and Partial Correspondence using Dual Model. Information Systems: An Intl. Journal 17(6), pp. 443-464, Nov. 1992.
  120. M. Rusinkiewicz, A. Sheth, G. Karabatis. Specifying Interdatabase Dependencies in a Multidatabase Environment. IEEE Computer 24(12), pp. 46-53, Dec. 1991.
  121. J. Larson, A. Sheth. Updating Relational Views Using Knowledge at View Definition and View Update Time. Information Systems: An Intl. Journal 16(2), pp. 145-168, Jan. 1991.
  122. A. Sheth & J. Larson. Federated database systems for managing distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous databases. ACM Computing Surveys 22(3), pp. 183-236, Sept. 1990. Japanese translation appears in special issue of BIT Computer Science '90. Japan.
  123. A. Sheth, A. Singhal, & M. Liu. An Analysis of the Effect of Network Parameters on the Performance of Distributed Database Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-11(10), pp. 1174-1184, Oct. 1985.
  124. A. Elmagarmid, A. Sheth, & M. Liu. A Partially Distributed Deadlock Algorithm. Intl. Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 14(5), pp. 307-308, Aug. 1985.
Professor Amit P. Sheth
Artificial Intelligence Institute
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of South Carolina